30 Herbs & Remedies For Every Mom

(Please note: I am not a doctor or a physician. I cannot diagnose or treat any medical conditions or illnesses. I am an herbal alchemist and intuitive healer and the information that I provide you with is a blend of historical and modern sources, from folklore and personal experience. This post is purely meant to… Continue reading 30 Herbs & Remedies For Every Mom

Magick Herbal Recipes From A Witch’s Kitchen

Food is more than sustenance, it’s an experience. It’s a story, a whispered secret, the bonding of love and friendship. I believe cooking should be no different. Sure, what physically goes into a meal is important, but what you put into a meal energetically is just as important. Because that energy will be reabsorbed by… Continue reading Magick Herbal Recipes From A Witch’s Kitchen

Honey & Rose Milk Ritual Tea: A Recipe For Self-Love & Empowerment

Settle down in a quiet space with a mug of this ritual tea and you’ll immediately feel the gentle magic and vibration of self-love and empowerment. Recite the incantation I’ve included as you sip your tea to remind yourself that you are a beautiful, spiritual being. Sometimes we all need a reminder. What you’ll need:… Continue reading Honey & Rose Milk Ritual Tea: A Recipe For Self-Love & Empowerment

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