How to Begin Nurturing Your Magickal, Highest Self

Say “Hello” to your Magickal Self Meeting your Magickal or “Higher” Self can be a difficult process, and it definitely doesn’t feel normal at first. But for some of us, it’s an incredibly therapeutic and healing experience that changes the course of our lives forever. For those that are open to meeting that side of… Continue reading How to Begin Nurturing Your Magickal, Highest Self

Amazon: The Hidden Witch’s Cupboard

A complete guide to shopping for magick on Amazon ✨

The Complete Witch’s Guide to Creating Powerful Rituals

A ritual is defined as “a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order”. When performed in a sacred space with certain objects and intent, rituals can create some powerful magick, much like casting a spell. Not all rituals are magickal, but there are a few of… Continue reading The Complete Witch’s Guide to Creating Powerful Rituals

Magick Herbal Recipes From A Witch’s Kitchen

Food is more than sustenance, it’s an experience. It’s a story, a whispered secret, the bonding of love and friendship. I believe cooking should be no different. Sure, what physically goes into a meal is important, but what you put into a meal energetically is just as important. Because that energy will be reabsorbed by… Continue reading Magick Herbal Recipes From A Witch’s Kitchen

Six Herbs & Spices To Enhance Your Magickal & Culinary Life

I remember watching my mother cook as a child and being mesmerized by the tiny jars of dried herbs and spices that she’d occasionally choose from. I’d watch her sprinkle each one carefully, never measuring except by taste. I was so curious about what each of them did and was certain I’d never have a… Continue reading Six Herbs & Spices To Enhance Your Magickal & Culinary Life

How Becoming A Witch Made Me A Better Mother

In our darkest, most desperate moments, we tend to follow even the tiniest pinprick of light in hopes of a better tomorrow. It is at the lowest of our lows that we find the strength and the resources to not only seek the light, but become the light. Almost three years ago, I was overwhelmed… Continue reading How Becoming A Witch Made Me A Better Mother

Why & How to Set Intentions With Your Jewelry

Have you ever set an intention with a crystal or charmed an object to provide you protection, strength, or something else you needed more of? Have you ever thought about doing this with the accessories you wear every day? I don’t mean just jewelry but anything: keychains, headbands, hair ties, shoelaces, socks, underwear, bobby pins,… Continue reading Why & How to Set Intentions With Your Jewelry

How To Use Your Altar To Make Every Day Magickal

“An altar can be as simple as a space with a few things that make you happy, where you can reflect and give thanks, which in return inspires you to keep growing towards a better you.” Unknown Author You could say that a witch’s “office” would be her altar, even if it doesn’t take up… Continue reading How To Use Your Altar To Make Every Day Magickal

How to Raise Your Home’s Vibration With Spell Bottles

You know that feeling you get when you walk into someone’s home and it just feels inviting and comforting? It’s like entering a world within itself, with its own rules and smells and sense of time. Generally homes that make you feel that way have lots of candles and decor, maybe dim lighting or brimming… Continue reading How to Raise Your Home’s Vibration With Spell Bottles

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